The Impact of Fossil Fuels on Communities
This project combines global learning and service learning. The first phase took place in the Autumn 2019 ENV 204 Energy and the Environment class. DePaul students worked with University of Uyo students and community-based groups to research and determine the scientific data that community groups require to successfully advocate for environmental justice in their area. The student groups presented their research on the environmental, health, and economic impacts of fossil fuel production on the communities and made recommendations for an environmental monitoring system in the community. The second phase will take place in the Autumn 2021 ENV 204 Energy and the Environment class. Using the final reports that students from the Autumn 2019 ENV 204 course produced, students will begin an environmental monitoring program. They will measure air quality, soil quality, and water quality in the communities impacted by fossil fuel production. In addition, they will investigate the impact of fossil fuels on health, economics and the flora/fauna of the area. This data will be uploaded to a common website and analyzed by the student groups. The student groups will present their findings to each other (DePaul and Uyo) and the community groups via Zoom meetings, along with a strategy that the community groups can use to advocate for environmental justice. They will educate their fellow citizens to easily detect oil- or coal-related pollution events, assess the levels of threats and risks posed by such events, and understand the appropriate mechanisms for communicating these risks to citizens and government agencies.