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Textbook Publications:


Workman, M. and Frye, K.  Environmental Science Video Lab Series.  Cambridge:  JOVE, 2015.  Online.


Frye, K. and Workman, M.  Introduction to Environmental Science with Lab.  Dubuque:  Kendall Hunt, 2013.  Print.



Peer Reviewed Publications:


Castaneda, E., Vaughn, C., Heneghan, L. and Workman, M.  (2016).  “Decomposition of Horse Manure (as a Surrogate for Human Feces) in Three Soil Media and the Implications of Manure Leachate for the Germination of Radish Seeds,”  DePaul Discoveries, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Article 12.


Heneghan, L., Umek, L., Bernau, B., Grady, K., Iatropulos, J., Jabon , D. and Workman, M. (2009). “Ecological Research can Augment Restoration Practice in Urban Areas Degraded by Invasive Species – Examples from Chicago Wilderness,”  Urban Ecosystems, 12, 63-77.


Bramble, J. and Workman, M.  (2007).  “Data-rich Case Studies Improve Students’ Abilities to Interpret Graphs in a Large Non-Majors Course,”  Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, 5, 1-23.


Heneghan, L., Fatemi, F., Umek, L., Grady, K., Fagen, K. and Workman, M. (2006), “The Invasive Shrub European Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica, L.) Alters Soil Properties in Midwestern U.S. Woodlands,”  Applied Soil Ecology, 32, 142-148.


Heneghan, L., Rauschenberg, C., Fatemi, F. and Workman, M.  (2004), “European Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and its Effects on Some Ecosystem Properties in an Urban Woodland,”  Ecological Restoration, 22(4), 13-19.


Workman, M.A. and Francisco, J.S. (1998),  “Molecular Structure and Energetics of BrOx Radicals (where x = 1, 2, and 3)”  Chemical Physics Letters, 293, 65-71.


Workman, M.A. and Francisco, J.S. (1997),  “Molecular Structure and Energetics of sym-ClO3,”  Chemical Physics Letters, 279, 158-164.


Workman, M.A. and Bodner, G.M. (1996),  “Factors that Influence Chemistry Students’ Decisions to ‘Drop-Out’ of Graduate School,”  The Chemical Educator, 1(6), 1-12.





Workman, M. “Assessing Shared Social, Economic, and Environmental Issues in the United States and Nigeria Through Virtual Exchange.” Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area Conference (ACCA), March 2021, Chicago, Illinois.


Workman, M. and Udoh, I. “Assessing Shared Social, Economic, and Environmental Issues in the United States and Nigeria Through Virtual Exchange.” International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC), September 2020, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Workman, M. “Can We Meet All of the Learning Outcomes in an Online Laboratory Class?” Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, August 2020, Madison, Wisconsin.

Leon, R., Joppie, A., Olivier, J., Udoh, I., Workman, M., Pearl, M. “Expanding Access to International Learning Through Virtual Exchange.” Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, August 2020, Madison, Wisconsin.


Workman, M. and Potosnak, M. “Online Delivery of Scientific Inquiry – Laboratory Classes.”  DePaul Teaching Commons Workshop, September 2019, Chicago, Illinois.


Workman, M. and Potosnak, M. “Online Delivery of Scientific Inquiry – Laboratory Classes.”  DePaul Teaching and Learning Conference, May 2019, Chicago, Illinois.


Smith, S, Stuhlmacher, A, and Workman, M.  “Negotiation at Work:  What is Happening Out There.”  31st National Triennial Convention of Iota Sigma Pi, June 2014, Emeryville, California.


Workman, M.A.  “Embracing the iPod.”  16th Annual Faculty Teaching and Learning Conference, May 2011, Chicago, Illinois.


Bramble, J. and Workman, M.A.  “Two Case Studies of Action Research:  Assessing Student Graphical Interpretation Skills and Understandings About Ecological Restoration.” 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 2008, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Workman, M. “Women in Chemistry 2005-2008,”  29th National Triennial Convention of Iota Sigma Pi, June 2008, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Workman, M.A., “Iota Sigmp Pi – Women in Chemistry in Chicago,” 28th National Triennial Convention of Iota Sigma Pi, June 2005, Sweet Briar, Virginia.


Umek, L.G., Heneghan, L., Fatemi, F.R., Melton, M.S., Sandifer, J.L., Strain, D.S. and Workman, M.A., “Nitrogen Dynamics in Forest Soils Dominated by European Buckthorn,”  10th Biennial International Conference of the Soil Ecology Society, May 2005, Argonne, Illinois.


Workman, M.A.,  “Iota Sigma Pi - Women in Chemistry in Chicago," 27th National Triennial Convention of Iota Sigma PI, June 2002, Berkeley, California.


Workman, M.A. and Francisco, J.S., “Atmospheric Importance of Higher Chlorine Oxides:  Structural and Energetic Properties of ClO3 and ClO4 Radicals,”  The Sanibel Symposium, March 1997, St. Augustine, Florida.


Workman, M.A.  and Francisco, J.S., “Is There Chloric and Perchloric Acid in the Stratosphere?”  Industrial Associates Meeting, Purdue University, October 1996.


Workman, M.A.  and Francisco, J.S., “Is There Chloric and Perchloric Acid in the Stratosphere?”  Earth and Atmospheric Science Meeting, Purdue University, October 1996.


Workman, M.A. and Francisco, J.S., “Where is the Missing ClO in the Stratosphere?”  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, Pasadena, California, August 1996.


Workman, M.A. and Bodner, G.M., “A Qualitative Analysis of the Chemistry Graduate Student Experience,”  14th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Clemson, South Carolina, August 1996.


Workman, M.A. and Bodner, G.M., “A Qualitative Analysis of the Chemistry Graduate Student Experience,”  National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, March 1996.


White, S.R., Workman, M.A., Bodner, G.M., and Jayakumari, S., “Enhancing the Visualization of an Industrial Process:  Design and Evaluation,”  209th American Chemical Society Meeting, Anaheim, California, April 1994.


White, S.R., Workman, M.A., Bodner, G.M., and Jayakumari, S., “Enhancing the Visualization of an Industrial Process:  Design and Evaluation,”  13th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bucknell, Pennsylvania, August 1994.



Feature Editorials:


Workman, M.A.  (November 2000), “Kitchen Chemistry,”  The Iotan, 79, 4.


Workman, M.A. (February 2000), “A Crushing Experiment,”  The Iotan, 77, 1.


Workman, M.A.  (May 1998), “Butterfly Chromatography,” The Iotan, 72, 4.


Workman, M.A.  (February 1998), “Another Fun Experiment:  Making Gluep,”  The Iotan, 69, 4.


Workman, M.A.  (November 1997), “Chemistry in a Ziploc Bag,”  The Iotan, 68, 9.


Workman, M.A.  (May 1997), “An Experiment for Middle School:  M&M Chromatography,”  The Iotan, 68, 6.


Workman, M.A. (March 1997),  “Getting Your Chapter Active in Outreach,”  The Iotan, 67, 3.


Workman, M.A. (December 1996),  “Expanding Young Girls’ Horizons,”  The Iotan, 67, 10.





"Innovation at DePaul:  Science as a Way of Knowing," DePaul Distinctions (October 6, 2016)


"Talent Show:  CSH Faculty and Staff Reveal Their Secret Hobbies and Interests" (Fall 2016)


“Protons and Patchwork,” DePaul Newsline (January 6, 2016)


“Focus on Faculty:  Margaret Workman,” DePaul Newsline (November 25, 2014)





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